
Wednesday 24 August 2016


Sweta was a young cute girl of 17-18. She was living in Berhmpur, with her family. She passed out 12th from her school and wanted to study engineering. As there was no good college nearby her house, she got admission in Bolangir. This town was far away from her native. Though her parents told to stay here only and complete her graduation, she didn’t listen. This was a turning point in her life…

Sweta is fair girl, not so much of beautiful, but she is good in looks, behaviour and has a mature body. One thing that will attract everyone is her hair. Her hair was very long. As she was living in village, it is obvious, but she had maintained it very well. Her hair hung down up to her waist. Most of the time she kept it in a braid or bun, as keeping it open was considered uncultured and bad in her society. She had kept her hair in well condition. As the college was far away from her home, she stayed in college hostel along with her 2 roommates. Among the 3 friends she is very attractive, every one praises her hair. In college she maintains her hair in a braid, but in hostel she kept it in open, or tied with a single hair band. She studied well in the college. At first she enjoyed hostel life, with her new friends, new atmosphere. She thought hostel life is very good, and thought staying in home is rather boring. But after 3-4 days she knew hostel life is enjoyable and tolerable too. The senior students always did ragging to all the fresh hostel students. The always make fun at them by humiliating them. But no one uttered a single objection.

If anyone tried to tell this to college authorities they didn’t respond rather they supported ragging and told that ragging is used for your betterment, you will be confident in future. One day Sweta with her friends were going to their class they were stopped by the seniors. They told to introduce each, and then started teasing them. One of them told to dance in front of them in a song. After then they misbehaved. Sweta finally didn’t tolerate any more and spoke out “you all are not humans. You are only the wastages of your parents. You come here to waste your time, our time and waste your parents money. You are just bitches." Nita, one of the gang members, just didn’t tolerate this saying and slapped on her face. Sweta shouted there and a group of fresher were gathered there. As the seniors are in 5-6 members and were hence outnumbered they are obliged to leave that place.

That day Nita told her gang members, “This was not good what that silly girl did." Everyone agreed with her and she called her boy partners Ravi and Ashok and. Nita along with her 6 members decided to take revenge and give Sweta a punishment to remember forever. That night they planned all this and they made sure that they will do this after 3 days, because after 3 days college is closed. Ravi made 2 movie tickets for Sweta’s roommates and told them individually to move on that day and gave them some money also to spend in malls. They agreed.

As per the planning, on that day both of the roommates of Sweta left her. Now she was alone. She was doing her college assignment. After doing her assignment she combed her hair, she opened her hair and combed it very nicely. Just then she heard knock on her door. She opened and just to her astonishment, a gang member of Nita, Sujata was there. She told her politely that she felt guilty what she did to her and now wants friendship with her. Sweta agreed with her. Sujata asked her to move out because both of them are alone in their rooms. Sweta told just to wait and would be ready in 5 minutes, but Sujata insisted, “Nothing is bad with this dressing, just let’s go". So sweta went out with her hair open. Sujata took Sweta out of the college campus and made her way to a lonely place. Sweta told her to return back as there was too dark and she was afraid of. But sujata told not to worry; they are going to her another friend’s home. As they will be 3, there will b no problem further. They reached Nita’s home. Sweta didn’t know it was Nita’s house. Sujata asked her to come in. They walked into the house. Sujata turned on the lights and took her to a room where the door was locked from inside. Sujata knocked the door, Ashok opened the door and just then Sujata pushed Sweta into the room, and the Ashok again locked the door. Now Sweta looked up to see what was going on, and to her shock Nita, with her gang members and Ravi, Ashok were there. Ashok slapped on Sweta’s face and she fell on the bed leaning forward. Then he along with Ravi tied her hands and knelt down.

Nita came in front of her and shouted, “you BITCH.... you have done a great mistake, you insulted me and my friends in front of juniors..... So u must get your punishment now here’. She told Ravi to take off her clothes and to make her naked in front of all. She was totally naked now and shivering and thinking what is going to happen with her. “I think your hair is your pride... so u must get punishment through hair only". One of her friends holds all her hair from the back and swirled it in the air....and says, “Wow such a lovely hair"... suddenly Sweta heard someone brought a leather bag and opening it and taking out some equipment. As this was going on at her back side, so she couldn’t see actually. Now Nita came in front of her and said “make her hair as she does usually". Sweta always keeps her hair in braid, so one of the gang members made up her hair in braid. Everyone touched her hair, it was so silky and smooth... suddenly Nita said, “Enjoy the last moments with your beautiful hair bitch as it will be no more after some time." Sweta was shocked... first of all she was tied and naked, so she couldn’t resist, only shouted. Ravi told, “Its vain dear as there is no one in this house and this house is far-far away from local area." Suddenly she felt some one hold her hair braid from the back, again heard some snipping sounds like Snip, snip.... she thought, ‘ Oh my god, it was a huge pair of scissors’. She felt the scissors crossed in between her hair right at the base,’ oh god, she was going to hack the braid fully... ‘

Sweta pleaded. “Please don’t do this... I beg all of you." Tears rolled down her face. Ashok said, “It’s too late baby, you must get your punishment". She cried... But just then the scissors started moving inside her hair. A sound like ScccccRRRRuuuunnnccccch........ SSccccrrrruunnncch....... heard... the hair was very thick indeed. But finally the scissors was victorious and cut down that braid... Nita hold that braid and showed it to Sweta... “Bitch, look at your braid, isn’t this, your pride... it’s gone now......" Sweta begged in a trembling voice “please leave me now"... Nita said “do u think u are done.., no bitch, wait, this is going to be exciting further". Sweta was shocked and thought what are they going to do now, what is left still??? She then heard something was plugged in and the switch was made ON. “HMMMMMMMMM .........................MMMM" she was terrified now. It was an electric clipper... Nita showed it to her. Sweta pleaded, “Oh my god, there is no guard, and it is in zero position. Please don’t do that, please........." but No one was there to listen to her. Nita hold that clipper, bent down Sweta’s head and placed that at the back of her head and lifted it up to the upper part... Thuds of hair rolled down. She made pass after pass, again hairs fall off... all gathered on her shoulders, some fall on the ground... Sweta was just crying... she was miserable... a bald patch appeared on her head...

Then Nita moved it to right side... More hairs fell and gathered. Then to her left... Again more hairs fell. At last Nita made a move totally over her head, and stopped. There was mound of hair in front of sweta, all fell on the ground. Some were on his shoulders; on her nipples... sweta was still crying... she was totally bald now. Fully naked, head shaved. Nita along with her friends cheered... As if they had won a battle.... they teased her, they laughed at her. Suddenly one of them said “let’s make it smooth"... “Wow, that’s a good idea"... sweta just thought she is totally bald. What are they going to do now?? She got her answer quickly. They had brought straight razor and shaving cream..!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cream was applied on her head... then one of Nita’s friends took the razor and made passes on her head, tssssshhhhkk.... tttttsssshhhhkkkkkk... they scraped the razor on her head and removed the foam. Within 2 minutes, she was done. Now sweta looked like born baby. Smooth head, fully naked... Her head looked like cue ball. Everyone touched her head.

Now Nita said “at, last bitch got her punishment... Wow". Again Nita said “don’t dare to tell this anybody"... Ravi showed her a video; it was of her naked head shave and said, “If u try to tell this to anybody, I will send this video to internet... and u know what happens when this will be spread in whole the world... so beware of it..."

Then Nita told. “I would drop you to your hostel on my car, come". Sweta dressed and then left with Sweta. On the whole way she was weeping, now Nita tried to console her, and said, “It’s over dear, stop crying, and it will grow again". Sweta was not responding. After they get to her block, she escorted Sweta to her room. Every fresher who saw her were scared and surprised seeing her condition. Nita pushed her to her bed and sat on the chair beside it. She said, “Sweta, I have to tell something". Sweta didn’t respond. Nita shouted, Sweta responded, “yes". Nita said, “You are very lucky girl, we can become very good friends" and left the room. Sweta was completely baffled now and fall asleep weeping and weeping.

Next day she was more surprised to get as much respect as a 3rd year senior student get from a fresher. She was further surprised when seniors gave her respect as she was one of them. She discovered that it was all because of Nita. She became good friend with Nita and a member of her gang. Later one day she gets to know that, Nita had also suffered same fate as she has previous evening, in case of Nita even her pubic hairs were shaven off. Then Nita said, “Now you know why you are lucky dear"

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