
Friday 19 August 2016

Samira was a sweet 17 year old Indian girl.

Samira was a sweet 17 year old Indian girl. Her biggest asset was her silky straight thick black hair. For her they meant all the riches in the world. She took real good care of them. Brushing them for hours and sometimes putting them up and sometimes leaving them open to leave people around spellbound in admiration.
Samira's parents decided to shift to USA. They had finalized their jobs there but were leaving Samira at her aunt's place as the future was uncertain and they also didn't want Samira's education to get affected so she would continue her college here in Mumbai, India. Samira wasn't too happy with this decision as she didn't get along at all with her aunt's daughter, her cousin Natasha who was still in school 9Th grade. She also found her aunt too stern and always against her as her aunt was too attached to Natasha and thought she was always right. Natasha was pampered by her mother as she didn't have a father. But Samira's parents didn't have any other option but to leave her at her aunt's place and requested her to adjust as once they would settle in there, they would call Samira there. Samira agreed.
One afternoon, a few months after Samira's parents had left for USA, Samira entered her room in her aunt's house and was shocked to see Natasha sitting on her vanity chair and brushing her shoulder lenght hair with Samira's brush.

Samira hated anyone using her brushes as she was so particular about her hair. Samira immediately rushed towards Natasha and snatched the brush from Natasha's hands.

Samira: "How dare you use my brush to comb your unhealthy hair. You have lice in your hair and you want to pass them on to me. Get out! You will never have hair like me."
Natasha got extremely offended with Samira's statements and left the room crying searching for her mother to complain about her cousin's rude behaviour. Seeing her daughter bitterly cry and hearing what Samira had to say about Natasha's hair, Samira's aunt really flaired up and stormed into Samira's room with Natasha following her. Samira sat there brushing her silky beautiful hair.
Auntie: "Samira!" she screamed. "What do u think of yourself? You are some princess with that silky hair of yours and my daughter your servant?"
Samira: "No no auntie. i just told her not to use my brush as she has lice" she said politely, quite taken aback and scared with her aunt shouting.
Auntie: "Who said she has lice. You are obsessed with your hair. I need to punish you and teach you a lesson today, a lesson you will remember all your life."
Samira: "Please dint punish me, I m really sorry. I will apologize to Natasha right away."
Auntie: "Nothing doing, you will pay a heavy price for your words. In any case you are wasting too much time everyday on that thick mop of hair," and she starts dragging Samira by pulling her hand towards natasha's dressing table in natasha's room. By now natasha's tears had converted into smiles, hoping her cousin is taught a good lesson today.
They reach Natasha's room and Samira still pleading, "Please give me another chance, i will never be rude to Natasha. Please let me go. Don't punish me, i will do whatever you say."
Auntie:"Its too late now, you don't deserve another chance and you don't have to do anything sweety. What ever has to be done now I will be doing it" she said smilingly and tightly holds Samira back on the vanity chair and asks Natasha to take some ribbons and tie Samira's hands and legs to the chair. After natasha finishes the task assigned to her, the aunt checks again and ties one more knot to leave no room for her to move.
Samira tries desperately moving her hands and legs but to no avail. "Please untie me, i will not run. Its really hurting me."
Auntie: "The hurting part has not even begun honey and i have to make sure you are tied up and stationary with the punishment i ve thought for you." she said with a smirk.
Samira: "Please tell me what is the punishment" , she said with a lot of fear and anxiousness.
Auntie: " Just be patient sweety. You will know it soon. Whats the hurry," and left the room.
Natasha was very pleased by all the proceedings and pulled Samira's cheeks telling her, "This is what you get when you act too smart with me Samira didi" emphasizing on the word didi* to indicate Samira might be the elder sister but its the younger one who is in command of the situation now.
Auntie in the meanwhile comes back with a small silver suitcase and says, " You know before marriage i had done a haircutting and styling course but didn't get to pursue it. Its been a long time since i practised my haircutting skills and today you are my model" looking at Samira and laughing.
Samira cant believe what she heard. "What did you say? your haircutting model? no ways, you cannot do this to me."
Auntie: "Yes you heard right. You are going to pay for your words with your HAIR Samira. Is it clear to you now," she said loudly and firmly. Then looking at Natasha she says, " Go and call your friends from the opposite house, lets have some audience for this fun." Before her mother could finish her sentence Natasha ran to call her friends in great excitement.
Samira was getting shocks after shock and pleaded, " Please don't call the neighbours. They know me too. Its very embarrassing being punished in front of them."
Auntie: "That's the whole idea my darling, to make it as embarrassing as possible for you," she said in a very teasing voice. In the meantime Natasha arrives with her three friends, all giggling away as Natasha had briefed them on their way about all that they had missed so now they could all understand whats happening and enjoy the show. Auntie made them sit on the bed opposite the dressing table. Samira feels uneasy seeing them giggle in the mirror, but she avoids eye contact and looks down.
Auntie: "So lets begin the show," she said placing a white Cape around Samira's neck and tucking it in really tightly and picks up Natasha's hairbrush. "Hmm so this brush carries lice ha?" she holds it up looking at Samira and starts brushing her hair with the same brush starting from the crown and moving down to her waist in long strokes. As soon as the brush touches Samira's hair she just closes her eyes avoiding to say anything cuz she realises, its her stupid words which have put her in this state.
Slowly the strokes start getting becoming more and more rough and Samira feels the pain and a jerk and her head moves back while the brush moves firmly through her hair. "Oucchh its paining aunty. Please do it a slowly." she requests. But the strokes only become more firmer. Samira doesn't understand whats happening and meekly asks, "Are u going to cut my hair too? cuz i just got a trim last week."
Auntie: "Oh Just shut up you silly girl or i will gag u now." as she continues stroking Samira's hair. Natasha and her friends burst out laughing at Samira's sorry state and silly question. Samira gets more tense with every second passing by. Then auntie stops stroking and starts parting Samira's hair in the middle very neatly. In no time with the parting she makes a centre line starting from the front of her head right till behind. Then taking the left side of the hair and separating them into three sections she starts braiding them tightly attaching a red rubber band in the bottom to hold it firmly.
Samira: " Oh no .. don't make braids... i hate it... I look so kiddish in them. Braids are for school girls," she said pointing towards natasha.
Auntie: " We will see honey whats good for whom today," continuing and now finishing with the right side in the same manner. So now, there sat Samira with a white Cape around her and two tight thick braids tied with red rubber bands in the bottom placed in front, not even a hair left loose. She really did look like a schoolgirl. Then aunty putting the brush down and opened her small silver suitcase and took out a pair of big haircutting scissors and announced, " Okiee girls now begins the fun."
Samira panicked looking at the scissors and screamed,"What fun? Aunty what are you saying?" Auntie didn't say anything but with a wicked smirk just brought the scissors close to the beginning of Samira's left braid. Natasha and her friends started cheering and rooting loudly. Samira still in a state of shock stuttering with words, "What are you doing?... Are you out of your mind... You cant cut my hair... No wayss... Please stay away"
Auntie unaffected:" Wish your braids goodbye sweety, you are not going to see them again for a lonngggg longggg time." Samira gets more desperate starts moving her upper body frantically trying to get away. Auntie calls natasha and her friends to come and hold her tight on the chair. Natasha and her friends oblige with great delight.
Samira:" Natasha please tell your mom not to cut my hair, i will give you all my hair brushes, i will never be rude to you, i promise u natasha." She begs but to no avail.
Natasha: " Too late sis, now we will see who has longer hair," and starts giving hi fis to her friends. Samira's eye literally pop out in horror seeing auntie bring the scissors closer to her braid. Auntie places the scissors just below the ears with Samira's braid between the shears and starts cutting hard. It takes quite a bit of effort as Samira's hair was thick but after a few minutes the left braid falls on Samira's lap and natasha and her friends shout a loud in glory. Then aunty moves to the right side and placing the scissors at the same level starts tearing into the right braid and lo the right braid too falls into Samira's lap in minutes.
Samira watches in disbelief with tears rolling out, "My hair.. why did you do this aunty why? it was my crowning glory and you just hacked it off. Why?"
Auntie: "When glory gets to the head it needs to be shown its true place darling." Samira sat there looking really weird with her hair still mid parted, braids chopped off. Natasha and her friends start clicking pictures of her on their cells. Samira tries to avoid them by looking away but since she was tied up she couldn't do much with natasha and her friends exploring every angle to click pictures.
In the meanwhile Auntie using her combs and scissors starts styling the remaining hair and in fifteen minutes she shaped a good chin level blunt cut for Samira. She then takes a step behind comes behind Samira, puts her hands palms facing up on both the sides of the blunt hair checking the level and admiring her wonderful work.
Auntie: "Not bad ha. My haircutting skills have still stuck by me in all these years. So my dear Samira how do u feel with waist level hair down to chin level. I m sure you feel so much more lighter," she said laughingly and teasingly.
Samira thinking its all over, shakes her head feeling her hair now only on her cheeks. "Please untie me now, I don't know how i m going to live with such short hair," wanting to get up.
Auntie looking at Natasha and her friends with a wicked smile:

" So what do u think of Samira's new blunt. She wants to get up now." Natasha and her friends get up and start screaming in rhythm "Go shorter" "Go shorter" "Go shorter".

Samira in disbelief cries out,"Whats left to cut anyway, just let me go. Enough of your nonsense."
Auntie: " Hmm someone has still not learnt from their mistakes and continues to speak rudely. Okiee u girls will have it. LETS GO SHORTER." Natasha and her friends hearing this shout aloud in glee.
Samira: " I don't believe this you are cutting more. I will complain to my mom, i will complain to the police. you all are torturing a girl here."
Auntie: "Sure no problems go ahead, but the minute you complain to anyone, natasha has clicked some lovely pictures of you getting a haircut. They will be circulated to all your friends in college, everyone in the building and even put online. So do u think complaining is a good idea?"
Samira just burst out crying as shes left with no choice but to continue to sit there and see her hair hacked down further. She realized she is helpless and cant do anything. Auntie consoles her, "Don't cry honey we will give you a better style. You will look cuter." Saying this auntie picks up the brush and starts brushing Samira's hair again. Same way from the crown downwards. Only this time the strokes are faster as the lenght is so much shorter. Samira too feels the brush hard on her scalp.
Then once again auntie neatly parts her hair in the centre and make two fluffy ponytails on both sides which barely fall below the ear. The ponytails look like dogs ears. Natasha comes forward and remarks how cute and lifts both pony tails upwards with her hands and asks her friends to click a picture of her in that pose. Auntie feels glad that her daughter is enjoying it, and asks Samira to smile for the picture but Samira feels completely humiliated and shuts her eyes and looks away. Natasha complains to her mom and auntie tells Samira that if shes not going to smile and look in the camera she will circulate her haircut pictures everywhere. So once again natasha holds Samira's dog ears pony tail up and auntie puts her fingers on Samira's lip ends and stretches them and makes Samira give a fake smile. CLICK CLICK "There you go honey. What a lovely picture." Remarks auntie.
Now auntie without wasting much time gets the scissors closer to the base of the ponytails and chops them off with great ease this time and more hair falls on Samira's lap. Natasha and her friends seeing this start clapping and shouting. Samira just blankly stares in the mirror with tears rolling down her cheeks.
Auntie: "Don't worry darling u still have five to six inches of hair on top," which she quickly styles it into a short bob. She steps behind then to see how it looks. Not very satisfied she says "it looks too plain." Then another idea strikes her and she comes in front of Samira now with a brush pulls her hair in the centre of the head and gathers them in her hand and tries to collect more and more strands into her hands. Then she secures it tightly with a thick pink rubber band which has 2 small teddy bears fastened to it. She adjusts the teddy bears at the base on the small pony and pulls the pony at the end on both sides so that the ponytail stands like a fountain or a coconut tree right in the centre.
Auntie stepping behind: " So tell me little baby what do u think of this cute hairdo?" she asks to tease and embarrass Samira. Samira cant recognize herself in the mirror. She looks into the mirror and as if a 8 year old girl stares back at her. She cant believe this is happening to her. It feels like she would open her eyes and this nightmare would end. But unfortunately the nightmare would continue for Samira.
Natasha and her friends continue taking pictures and with every picture they would exclaim"how cute" "how cute"
Samira got irritated with them and said please now its over just remove this rubber band. i hate this style. So aunty once again goes behind Samira and asks natasha and her friends,"Samira darling doesn't like this hairdo too. she wants to go? what do u think girls?"
Natasha and her friends chirp in rhythm "GO shorter" "Go shorter" "Go shorter". and Samira screams "please aunty no please no more, please thats it, no more." But by now auntie too was enjoying her self and shouts"LETS GO SHORTER"
Samira just gives in. She cant do much. just bites her lips wondering what can be worse than this. But auntie has something in her mind worse than this. she quickly takes her scissors and cuts that fountain ponytail at the base and one more trophy of glory falls on Samira's lap. Then she opens her silver suitcase and takes out her clippers. Samira is shocked with her mouth wide open.
Samira: "This is meant for guys there is no ways auntie you bringing this close to my head.Let me go" she howls.
Auntie: "Don't worry sweety it doesn't pain. You will just get a tickling sensation." She fits number two blade into the clipper, plugs it in and switches it on. BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ The sound nearly kills Samira and she starts shaking her head frantically and screams "No ways, no ways, pleaseee not this, pleasee i beg u. I will do whatever u say auntie, i will be yours and natasha's maid servant, i will obey whatever u tell me, but pleasee not this. pleaseee." She howlsss.
Auntie gets wild and asks natasha to give her a used panty and once Natasha obliges, she stuffs it into Samira's mouth and gags her. Then pushes her head firmly with the chin touching the Cape in front and starts running the clippers at the back of her head vertically reducing the hair at back at two inches. Once shes done with that she takes the pair of scissors and comb and comes and stands in front of Samira. She combs all the hair in the front towards the forehead and then just above her eyebrows she runs her scissors chopping off all the hair below the eyebrows. So now the hair in the front lies covering the forehead in one line. Thats called a Sadhna haircut. (Sadhna was an actress in India who had similar haircut in the front in one of the movies and it became a very famous haircut for 4 to 5 year old children)
Auntie: "Ohh she looks chooo chweet in that haircut. Maybe we should call u Sadhna baby instead of Samira now." Natasha and her friends start giggling and start calling Samira Sadhna baby and clicking more pictures of her. Samira feels completely defeated and just gives a cold expression. She avoids looking at the mirror in front, but Natasha keeps putting her small makeup mirror in front of her telling her that she just looks like a five year old baby.
Looking at Samira avoiding natasha, Auntie removes the panty from Samira's mouth and tells her, "If you say my name is Sadhna baby and i love my haircut, five times I will untie you.The choice is yours"
Samira considering the mood her aunt and Natasha was in feared that they might even shave all her hair off. So the poor girl with great reluctance, stopping and stammering said it five times , " My name is ..... Saadhna baby.... and... I .. love my ... haircut."
Auntie: "Very Good, thats like a good girl." All the girls around, pointing fingers at Samira giggled and laughed and ridiculed her.
Auntie: "So girls what do u think? Sadhna baby has completed her task.Should we untie her now?" Natasha and her friends look at each other and start clapping their hands and start shoutingggggg "taklu" "taklu" "taklu" ** "shave it all off."
Samira: "No Auntie u promised me u will untie me and let me go. You cant go back on your words. These girls have lost their minds today," looking towards Natasha and her friends.
Auntie: "Of course i will untie u sweety, but i didn't tell u when. Maybe after I ve shaved of your head all smooth." she began laughing loudly.
Samira started crying loudly and her eyes became really big when she saw auntie removing the blade and getting a bare clipper towards her head. Natasha and her friends continued with their rhythmic clapping. Auntie switches it on and the sound of the clipper Buzzzzzzzzzz makes Samira faint this time.
Auntie this time begins with the front, running the clippers vertically in the centre of Samira's head starting from the forehead and moving towards the back. Repeats the same procedure on the left and right front too. Then moving to behind the ears on both sides and finally pushing Samira's head firmly down and completing the back too. Samira was reduced to a stubble barely recognizable. Then aunty brings some shaving cream and first puts some on her fingers and then lavishly spreads over Samira's head. Samira with her eyes half open could feel the chill of the shaving cream and when auntie brought the straight razor towards her head, she literally started shivering, but didn't have any energy left to cry or say anything. She just sat there staring into nothing.

Auntie then with short strokes with the razor starts clearing the stubble. Samira feels a burning sensation with the razor running over her scalp. In no time auntie shaves off Samira's head bald, clean and smooth like a cue ball. She then removes the white Cape from Samira's neck and cleans her bald head. Natasha and her friends rush towards Samira once her aunt in done, to feel her scalp. Running their hands all over her scalp, and chanting "Samira taklu, Samira taklu, Samira taklu." Laughing, giggling and clicking more pictures.
Samira just sat there feeling completely humiliated. She didn't say a word but with tears rolling down her cheeks. For her the entire world had come to an end. Life will not be the same without her most cherished and precious possession, her hair.
Auntie stood in a corner with a wicked smile on her face. She was really glad that she had taught Samira a lesson which she will remember for life. She was also very happy for her daughter Natasha. She had helped her to feel superior now to Samira. Just thinking about Samira who had thick Silky smooth princess like hair an hour back, and now she was unrecognizable with all that hair brutally hacked off. Truly it was a journey from Riches To Rags.

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