
Wednesday 24 August 2016

Maggy's Experience

 I am meghana.I am doing my btech 3rd year.i have an elder sister comleted her btech & doing her mba 1st year right now.i want to share my experience of head parents had a vow regarding our admissions into the college.but could not fullfill it till date due to various reasons.we have got our tickets booked to tirupati.but neither my sister nor my self dont have any idea of the parents told us abt the vow the day before we were leaving to tirupati.We were shocked & left with no words for a moment.we both said we are not going to tonsure for any reason.but our parents scolded us that u shud not say like that when u r offering to god & u both will be tonsured even if u agree or not.we both cried for sometime but was left ntg to do.i have hair till below my waist with bangs sister have thigh length hair.

      We finally reached tirumala along with 2 other cousins my uncle & aunt.we 8 got entry into the mom asked to take head bath before shave we took it for last time with hair.all 8 of us reached kalyanakatta.but my mom my aunt & 2 of my cousin sisters were there only for 3 scissors.They are not shaving their cousins have their hairs till their mid backs.

I and my sister used to tease them that we have lengthy hair than them.but now the scene is going to father & uncle went and brought 8 tickets,4 for headshave 4 for 3 scissors.First my mom aunt & cousins got 3 scissors at kalyanakatta.then my uncle & dad got their gundu's done its our turn.My father said first elder person should do it.So I was a bit relaxed as 1st it was my sister's turn.

      She sat in front of the barber.barber asked whether 3scissors or sister turned back towards my father trying to request him again.meanswhile my father said do gundu to the barber & handed over the blade to sister's hair was thick silky straight hair.she closed her eyes tightly, the barber rinsed her hair throughly with combed it & partitioned it into 2 parts she asked my sister to say govinda.then she open her eyes & raised her to see wat was happening the barber chjanged the blade & bent her haid started shaving her head from fron to back.she started to weap.her left part was clean within few minutes and a bun of hair fell on her left lap.similarly on the right side.after the shave was complete he again put on some water & did it once again all through.her black hairy head turned into white bald head.its my turn now isat bfore him he wetted my head althrough he partitioned my hair into 2 parts and tied it on the both sides.

      The real problem is with by bangs which i got with a great love a week before.although he partitioned my bangs fell on my the 1st thing i am going to loose were my bangs.he bent me & started shaving my bangs which were almost from my centre top of my head to my eye bangs slowly strted falling into my laps & my hands were cathching those bangs & my eyes were flowing with water.after the bangs he slowly shaved al my cousins started teasing me & my sister by calling gundu & also saying that they will have long hair for years than us.after that we reached cottage & got bath.then my father took us out & g0ot sandalwood applied on our heads which turned our white bald heads turn yellow.then he asked us to get panga namas(the 3 lines on foreheads.after tht we all & my sister were planning to buy a cap or scarf to cover it but my dad said no & he said that if u leave it uncovered & expose it to air it will grow faster.we have ntg to argue with him bcoz he is strict with his decisions.

      The next we reached back to vja and the real fear was to face my frnds & class mates at the colg.i covered it with my duppata & entered the class room they all were shocked as they all used to like my long frnds pulled out duppata from the head and started putting their hands on my bald head started crawling their hands which made me feel embrassed.this all hapened in jan of this year.i now have small hair which or runing abt my ears a bit and like a boy cut on the top.2day me & my sister were asked to get a haircut by my father.

he took us both to his & my sister never got haircuts at salon we always got them at father took care that there were no male customers to the salon by the time we went.the barber asked my father wat to do he replied that give the girls a buzz cut with the hairs above the ears shaved smooth.we were shocked & asked father replied if u cut ur hair once after headshave it will go fast & also as it was summer that was abt to enter.he said that as u both were having xams in the comming 2 months short hair help u feel comfortable & also lessen ur haircare activities time so that u can concentrate more on ur studies.the barber took the clippers and ran it al over which trimmed all my head.then he inserted his balde into the razor & shaved smoothly the upper parts of my ears in a round way all over fromm above the ear to above the nape in the back like a army sister also got similar cut.

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