
Wednesday 27 July 2016

The village and affair

22 years old, Richa was in big trouble. She had been found having sexual contact with a boy
from neighboring village. But that’s just fifty percent part. She had been found not by her
father, but by someone from neighborhood, which means the case would be drag to Village
Judicial committee (VJC) which is popular for its harsh punishment.
Very next day, the assembly was called by VJC. She along with her father tried her best, but
she is guilty, and in a short time, father daughter pair tuned from argument mode to request
and sorry mode.
At last the decision was given, “As the boy from neighboring village, is seen interacting with
Richa for last couple of months, there is a way to believe the act was a mutual, not a forced
one. So, we believe both an equally punishable. It seems that the boy is attracted to Richa’

beauty, so we believe taking her beauty from her would be a suitable punishment. So as a
punishment, Richa has to have all her hair, right from head to toe removed here in this
assembly and will have to keep it such for one year. About the boy, the neighboring village
will be contacted and would convey them to give suitable punishment to that boy”
Richa was awestruck. She can’t believe what she heard. Head shaving is common punishment
here for woman, but that was in private, not in assembly. She was still thinking, she has to
remove all her hair, will that also count hair from…
She is pushed by three women to the stage. She tried to search for her dad, but he was gone.
She walked to the stage, where chairs were being removed. She is pushed to stage, when only
one chair remains.
As she took seat, trembling, she felt a touch in her hair bun. Her hair fell open. She have now
recognized the women, they do punishment shaves of woman. Her hair, which touches her
waist, is jet black, beautiful. She loved her hair, but she knew she can do without hair. Her
both hands were tightly gripped, and then she felt a tug at her back. She knew the lady was
now going to cut it. She didn’t protest as most do. Blades of scissor were felt by her, as cutting
She didn’t have problem from the crowd who were watching her. As the final chop was given,
the lady who chopped the locks threw her hair in two sections towards the crowd.
Richa was then bent from chair at knee. Hands on her neck keep her head down. Richa felt
the new cut ends near her shoulder, which gave her tingly feelings. She couldn’t remember
when she last has hair to that length. Large amount of water was dropped on her, enough to
fill two small buckets. She was again seated in the chair.
The clothes she wore were now getting wet from water dripping from her hair. The two hands
on her wrist were now getting tired as she was getting habituated. She felt a hand on her top
of head, and then schchc…chchchch, chunk of her hair passed through her back to ground.
She again had the same feeling. She knew she was now being shaved. The crowd was
watching her with eyes fixed. As more of her head was shaved, she felt breeze in her head.
The woman after doing the back moved to front. As she ran her razor, large lock of her hair
feel on her lap. It was followed by a rain of hair on her lap. She then closed her eyes, and
opened it again only when her sides were done.
She saw her hair scattered on the ground around the chair. She stood up. She was getting
anxious now. She was told by the lady, “it’s not over”. She nodded and again took seat.
The lady again, took her position. Richa asked, “Now we are going inside a private room
right?” The lady didn’t reply anything. Richa didn’t like it. She protested, “hey, I don’t want
to have underarm shaved in public, it…” The lady cut her, “well no girl from this village has
sexual contact with a boy other village before marriage” Richa tried to get up, but was held
strongly by others. Richa said, “I am a woman, isn’t it a prohibited to shave inner parts in
front of males?” The lady rebuked her, “sexual intercourse is prohibited before marriage.
Don’t make it hard, or else I will call the men to hold you tight”
The lady then said, “common, undress yourself” Richa was becoming terrified now. Just then,
one of the ladies pulled her kurta. She tried her best to hold it. In the conflict, the kurta was
torn, near her breast, exposing her teats covered with a white bra. There was a roar in the
crowd. Richa was trying best to cover her nipples with her hand. Her knot in the pajama was
then loosened, and it was quickly pulled even before she could grip it.
Now, Richa was gloomy, sitting in front of a crowd, all naked except a panty and a bra. Her
right hand was then drawn up, exposing her underarm to the public. It has tiny hairs,
instead of long, telling that she maintains it clean. Shaving cream was applied with fingers in
her underarm, and then rubbed with fingers only. Her arm was stretched at maximum angle,
and then schchchc…chch.chch.

the lady started running the razor. Richa quivered. She felt

heavily humiliated now. After her right arm, she herself raised her left arm, and same was
done with her left underarm.
It was complete, but she kept sitting on the chair, burying her head in her lap, and crying.
She was again gripped by the woman, and was gently laid down on the floor. Her panty was
gently removed. She knew what was happening to her. She didn’t resist; neither had she tried
to guard her private parts. Men folk started to gather near the stage, to get a good view.
Removing the panty, revealed a virgin naked part of the body, fully covered with dense black
hair she had never done any shave near vagina before. The lady took the scissor as the other
two women secured her hands and legs. The lady just, snipped off the hair short. Her
chopped hairs were dusted with a cloth, and then she chopped the remaining hair. She then
took out a safety razor, with attached blade.
She stroked at the region, quivering Richa then wet it with cream. Then she ran her razor
crazily, giving most uneasy feeling to Richa. Richa has sudden exciting feeling, which she had
very minutely during her head shave. She was having ecstasy, as the lady kept shaving her.
She couldn’t control herself and suddenly her pubic region has a slippery gel like feeling.
The lady stopped shaving her, and glanced at Richa, Richa too made eye contact with her.
The lady smiled and then again started shaving her hair. Within minutes her shave was
complete, and the hold on her was loosened. The lady told her, “Get up, wear your clothes, it’s
Richa nodded. She was extremely depressed. After a few moments, she got up, exposing her
shaved pubic region to the public. She then went for her back and the, untie her bra strap,
letting the bra fall to ground exposing her small breast. A roar went through the crowd. She
then got down from stage, leaving her clothes, went through the middle of the crowd, exiting
from the scene.
Some of her friends were there in the crowd, who covered her and then took her home.

All were excited and happy regarding her punishment, believing it is well justified except
some. This ‘some’ include two of Richa’ friends and a budding reporter who was accidently
present there.
Her chopped hair was burned in a small fire by the authorities.
Few days later, Richa attempted suicide.
The reported got the breakthrough of his career.

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