
Friday 29 July 2016

Family members trapped for headshave

Barber Kumar visited the hair merchant (Wig maker) Mr. Balu who is making wig from hair and supply to cinema industry. He gave
the hair bunches to the wig seller. Wig Maker Balu seperated the hair bunch according to the length which is given by Kumar. Then
he told to Kumar that he need two long and thick hair bunch to make a wig for a famous actress who acts in a village film. He also
narrated what the actress said. She needed a long hair wig as for village girl character in that film. So the hair should be upto knee
length 1 wig and 2 hip length for her co-artists which is acting as her friends in the film. She made a condition that the hair should
be natural and not to be artificially made. So she need the wig which is maked from long and thick hair. She should not like jointed
hair wigs and also from a young girl’s hair. She is also willful to pay the amount in lakhs for wig what he needs. Balu told this to
Kumar said to Balu that no females should sell that long hair. Only if they have vows then they will shave their heads only at temple.

So Kumar adviced Balu to search that long hair with temple barbers. But Balu said that he already searched with temple barbers but
all are middle aged females hair which is only long or thick. He could not find long and thick hair in that. So he said that he had a
plan to trap a family for headshave. Kumar questioned Balu that traping a family, by how. Balu explained his plan. Balu told “When I
visited your saloon I saw a women with her two daughers crossed on the road next to your saloon. When they crossed me i was
shocked to see their hair lengths. The women has her hair just below her hip in ponytail and the elder of the daughter have her hair
neatly braided upto her knees which is thick and shiny and the younger daughter have the hair upto the hip which is also thick. So if
we trap them to headshave we can fulfil the actress wig and earn a large amount”. Kumar asked “Who are them and what is the
Balu told “After the actress asking the wig from me I searched for them. I found their full details which was collected by my worker
Raja”. He also introduced Raja and his wife Kala to Kumar. He also told “The family is a middle class family Mr. Kesavan is the
family head working in a construction as supervisor, his wife Gomathi - house wife, their daughters - Suganthi, Kalyani who is
studying BE and +2 respectively” He also told “They believe astrology more. So me and my staffs Kala and Raja decided to make a
plan and trap them. You should also co-operate with us and make a huge amount of money from their hairs”. Kumar asked about the
plan. Balu told “There is a vacant house next to Kesavan House. Raja and Kala should occupy that house for rent. They should make
freinds with Kesavan and their family and trap them for headshave. As per the plan i will act as a astrologer and trap them. Your
work is to shave their heads properly without missing any long hair from their heads. We will share the amount which is obtained
from the wig maked. What did you say”. Kumar replied “OK. We can proceed our plan tomorrow onwards”. Balu replied “Yes Raja
already paid the advance for the house which is to be occupied. Tomorrow they are shifting to that house and will execute the plan
Next day Raja and Kala shifted to that house next to Kesavan. Kala introduced herself to Mrs. Gomathi Kesavan and welcomed her to
the residence which kala newly shifted. Gomathi also went to Kala’s house and speaked with Kala. Gomathi asked Kala about Kala’s
family. Kala told that her husband is a Driver in a private concern. She is married to Raja one year before. Kala asked about
Gomathi’s family. Gomathi told her husband is a supervisor in private concern and her daughter Suganthi is studying BE and Kalyani
studying +2. Kala praised Gomathi’s longhair. Gomathi got excited and told both her daughter’s are also having longhair. Kala
reacted surprisingly. Kala told Gomathi “If your daughter returned from their institutions just call me. I am eagerly waiting to see their
longhair also”. Gomathi told “Yes. I will call you back when my daughter’s returned to residence”. After speaking about one hour
Gomathi returned back to her residence.
At the evening Gomathi called back Kala to her residence. Kala went to Gomathi’s House. She found the two girls which is busy in
their studies. Gomathi called her two daughters and introduced Kala to them. They are also happy about Kala. She told to Suganthi
and Kalyani “Your mom said you both have long hair like your mom. I like long hair. Just turn around and show your long hairs”.
Suganthi and Kalyani turned around. Kala adjusted herself to see their’s longhair. But she was disappointed. Because both girls were
wearing their hair braids as buns. Suganthi’s bun was massive. Kalyani’s was wearing double sided braid bun as she returned from
school. Kala asked Suganthi “Can I open your hair bun”. Suganthi replied “Yes Aunty”. Kala moved her hands to Suganthi’s Bun and
opened it. Its pealed like a big mountain snake. Kala holded Suganthi’s Braid. She is very happy and surprised to see that longhair.
She thinks Balu’s decision was wonderful to make a big long and thick wig from that. Suganthi’s hair was very soft and shiny. She
reacted “Wow. What a beautiful hair you have Suganthi.” Suganthi replied “Thanks for your compliment Aunty”. Now Kala moved
towards Kalyani. Then she opened the left braid of kalyani. Her hair now stretched to her hip size. Then kala also opened the right
braid. She is amazed to see the thickness of Kalyani’s hair. Kala praised Kalyani’s hair also. Kalyani replied thanks for that.
After that incident Kala and Raja also become one of the member of Kesavan family within a week. After that Kala ranged phone to
Balu. She told to Balu that “Its time to move to our next step of our plan”. Balu said “Ok. I will come tomorrow as per our plan”.
Next day Balu went to Kala’s House as an astrologer. Kala introduced Balu to Gomathi as a Astrologer Specialist. She also told he
guesses future things superbly. Gomathi got happy in that and said to Balu to wait. She also told that she will bring the whole family
horoscope and Balu has to saw that and gave the details of their family future and rushed to her residence. Balu and Kala was happy
about their plan is working. Gomathi returned back and gave away the horoscope to Balu. Balu acted like he his working with
horoscope. Then he turned towards Gomathi and said “Madam, there is a big problem in your family horoscope. Your mother-in-law
who is passed away had a vow to god which is not fulfilled upto this time. Your mother-in-law has the vow of shaving your whole
family in her family temple. But she passed away before that. I won’t seen your daughters till now.

But I tell you that your daughters

have long hair grown extra-ordinary other than normal. Is it true or not”. Gomathi was shocked to hear this. She said “Yes. My
daughter’s hair is grown long other than normal”.
Balu replied that “You should fulfill your mother-in-law’s vow. That is a better thing for your family. Other wise bad incident’s will
appears on your family. So better you will fulfill the vow”. But Gomathi reacted “No way. It won’t. I don’t know whether my mil had
an vow of family shaved. So no way to fulfill that. My daughter won’t co-operate for that”. Balu replied “Sorry Madam. If you will not
fulfill the vow you will meet unwanted bad incident’s. That’s true according to horoscope. For example I tell you that your husband
will met a accident after two days. That’s true. He will never escape from that. He may be get fractured or will also be dead
according to horoscope. So i won’t compell you. It’s your wish. You will fulfill the vow and protect your family. That’s my words”.
Gomathi get confused. She told that she will discuss that with her husband. Balu returned back. Gomathi told all the things to her
family members when they returned. All were shocked especially Suganthi and Kalyani. They told that they won’t shave their long
hairs. Kesavan also told omit that horoscope matter.
Next day Kala speaking to Gomathi about that. But Gomathi told all the family members told them to omit about that. Kala secretly
speaked with Balu. Balu said “I will arrange a Accident for Mr. Kesavan. Then they will believe in that”. After two days Balu arranged
his wife’s brother Anand to make accident of his car with Mr. Kesavan. Anand done that very well as Kesavan get only injury not any
critical damages for Kesavan. Anand admitted Kesavan to his wife’s hospital as per the plan and informed Gomathi about that.
Gomathi shocked to hear that. She moved fast along with Kala. As per the plan of Balu Anand wife Banu injected a seduction
medicine to put Kesavan under unconsicious. Gomathi entered hospital with tearing eyes. She moved to Kesavan’s admitted ward
along with Kala.
She asked Banu about the condition of Kesavan. Banu replied “your husband is in Koma Stage. He is in intensive care unit. Only
god’s grace will help him to get out of that condition”. Gomathi began to cry. Kala acted like also feels sad for that. Suganthi and
Kalyani also get information about the accident and rushed to the hospital. They saw her mother is crying. They also started crying.
Kala told Gomathi that “Sister, I remember that Astrologer told you about your mother in laws vow to be fulfilled. But you ignored
that. Can I ask again about that with the astrologer, that any other ways to fulfill that”. Gomathi with tears in eyes told “Yes. you
speak with the astrologer about that”. Kala ringed Balu and acted asking about that. Then she returned to Gomathi and said “The
Astrologer said that no other way to escape from this incident. Only if the vow is completed then your family will escape from that. I
informed about this accident to astrologer. He said if the vow is fulfilled within today then only your husband will began to normal.
Otherwise it is diffucult to save him”. On hearing this Gomathi crying loudly. Kala also said “The astrologer said if you are ready for
the fulfill of vow - he come to house and will make arrangements to fulfill the vow and also he said that you and your daughter’s will
pray to the God that you all will fulfill the vow. That make some improvement’s in your husband’s health. If it is done then you can
fulfill the vow”.
Gomathi and her daughter’s prayed that they will fulfill the vow. Banu rushed from IC unit and told that there is some movements in
Kesavan’s body. It’s like improvement. Gomathi become happy about that. She told to Banu “I have a vow to be fulfilled. So take
care of my husband. We will go to our residence and return back as soon as possible”. Banu replied “Don’t worry we will take care of
him”. Gomathi asked Kala to inform to the astrologer about the vow to be fulfilled right now. Kala make a call to Balu to come to
their residence. Gomathi along with her daughters and Kala returned back to home. Raja also acted like that he returned from his
office by that accident. Balu along with Kumar rushed to Gomathi’s Residence. He told to Gomathi “Actually this vow to be fulfilled at
your family temple. No time to go there. So i will make pooja here and fulfill the vow and handover hairs to your family temple by
someone. Is anyone there to go there”. Kala replied that her husband will handover to that family temple.
Now Balu asked for some pooja materials. Kala make arrangements for that. Gomathi’s daughters were shocked and very sad that
their heads to be shaved soon. They thought that they will loose their valuable hairs soon. Kala asked Raja to make video of that.
Raja now having a handycam and shoot out that. Balu asked Gomathi and her daughters to free their hairs. Suganthi was in Single
Braid. So she began to unbraid her hair. Kalyani was in double braid. Kala helped her to unbraid. Gomathi was in braided bun. She
loosed her bun and began to unbraid her hair. Balu began the pooja. He acted that he is telling mantra’s. The he asked Gomathi,
Suganthi and Kalyani to take headbath and come back as soon as possible. Kala told Gomathi to use her washroom also. She guided
Kalyani to her wash room. Gomathi asked Kalyani to take headbath and come as soon as possible. Gomathi now said to Suganthi to
take headbath. But Balu told Gomathi “Madam you will go and come fast as soon as possible. Then this girl will take the head bath”.
Gomathi said “OK” and then she went to take headbath. Suganthi is waiting.
After a few minutes both Kalyani and Gomathi taken their headbath and returned. Suganthi now goes to take headbath. Balu asked
Gomathi to give some harthi for god. Gomathi wearing a towel in her head after taking headbath gives camphor harthi for god. Balu
said that the pooja is completed and now its the time to fulfill the vow. He asked Gomathi to remove the towel for her head and
remove the tangles in the hair. He also asked Kala to do the same for Kalyani. Kala moved towards Kalyani backside and began to
remove the towel from her head. Then she took a comb and began to comb Kalyani’s hair. It’s wet. So the comb is moving very
easily in kalyani’s head. Gomathi also removed towel on her head and began to comb her hair. Within few minutes Kala neatly
removed the tangles in Kalyani’s hair. Kalyani’s hair is wet and water is dropping from her hair ends. Balu asked Kumar to make the
equipments ready for shaving. Kumar worked fast and he made all the equipments ready for shave and also a stool for sitting. Now
Balu ordered Kala to double braid Kalyani’s hair that no hair should be leaved in floor when shaving. Raja is shooting all this in his
video camera.
Balu asked Gomathi to sit on the shaving stool. Gomathi moved towards Kumar and sit on the stool with open hair. Her hair is also
wet. Water droplet is droping from her hair ends. Now Kumar moved towards back of Gomathi and began to seperate her hair into
two parts. He took a comb and began to comb her right side. Then he put a rubber band tightly on the top of hair bunch which he
combed. Now Gomathi’s rightside become a ponytail. He again does the same on left side. Now two tight ponytails on Gomathi’s
head. Suganthi now came out of washroom after taking head bath. She looked at her mother and her sister what is going on. She
was shocked to see her mother is ready for shaving. Now Kala finished double braiding of Kalyani’s hair and put a band at the
bottom of hair. Balu asked Kala to place flowers on each side braid of Kalyani. Kala placed the flower roll on Kalyani’s double braids.
Balu asked Kala to remove the tangles for Suganthi. Kala moved towards Suganthi. At the same time Kumar loaded a half blade into
the knife and moved towards Gomathi. Kala now removed the towel from Suganthi’s head and began to remove the tangle of
Suganthi. Now Kalyani and Suganthi is eagerly watching this. Balu now give two bunch of flower roll to Gomathi and asked her to
wear on top of the pony tails. Geetha done that.
Kumar now placed the knife on Gomathi’s head in centre parted hair and began to shave her right side. Gomathi feels out chillness of
air on her skull. She thought that her shave was started. Kumar moved the knife on the Gomathi’s head right side very skillfully. Now
hair roots began to release from Gomathi’s head and hanged on the rubber band.

Within a few mins gomathi’s right side ponytails

falls on her lap. Balu moved towards Gomathi and taken that shaved ponytail and placed it on a yellow clean cloth. Now Kumar
moved towards leftside of Gomathi and began to shave her left side. After few mins the left side ponytail is also removed from
Gomathi’s head. Balu collected that and again placed that on the yellow cloth. Now Kumar began to apply some water on Gomathi’s
head and smoothen her head. Kala finished removing tangles from Suganthi’s wet hair. Balu ordered Kala to braid Suganthi’s hair.
Kumar finished Gomathi headshave. Now Gomathi moved out of the stool. Balu asked Kalyani to sit on the stool. Kalyani eyes began
to tear. Gomathi moved towards Kalyani and said “This is vow. No more cry. Hair will grow again. You are doing this for your father.
Don’t cry”. Then she moved Kalyani towards the stool. Kalyani sit on the stool. Kala braiding Suganthi’s hair. Suganthi’s is watching
her sister now.
Now Kumar loaded a new blade in his knife and moved towards Kalyani. Kalyani now touched her braids and took then to front of her
on both side with hands for the last time. Kumar moved back to Kalyani. Then he mover her right side braid to back. He noticed that
her hair is dry. Because Kalyani is waiting for finishing of Gomathi’s headshave. Then he took a mug of water and poured on
Kalyani’s head. Water is dripping on Kalyani’s face. Suganthi’s is eagerly watching this. Kala finished braiding of Suganthi. Balu
asked Kala to place a flower roll on Suganthi’s single braid. Kala again done that for Suganthi. Now Kumar placed the knife on
Kalyani’s head and start the shaving the left side. Hair from her head began to peel out and hanging on her left side braid. Within
few mins her leftside braid is separated from her head. Now Kumar began to shave Kalyani’s right side. Within some time her right
side shave is also completed. Balu collected that two braids and placed on that same yellow cloth. Kumar is now smoothening
Kalyani’s head. He finished it well. Kalyani now moved out from the stool. Balu asked Suganthi to get place in stool.
Suganthi also began to cry for that. Gomathi moved towards Suganthi and help her to sit on the stool. Suganthi sat on the stool.
Now Kumar take a mug of water and drenched Suganthi’s root hairs. Then he loaded a blade on his knife and move towards
Suganthi. Now he placed the knife on the centre parted Suganthi’s briad in front of her head and began to shave her from front to
back. Suganthi knew that her shaving was started. She feels chill air on her skull. Kumar found some difficult in shaving her because
her hair is so thick. So he again take a mug of water and drenched suganthi’s head. Now he began to shave her from front to back.
Hairs are hanging on Suganthi’s braid. Kumar shaved very carefully and slowly. He finished the front side. Then he nodded
Suganthi’s head down and began to shave her from centre to back bottom. After some time Suganthi’s braid is seperated from her
head. Kumar again poured some water on her head and again shave her smoothly. He finished shaving. Balu again collected that
Suganthi’s braid and placed on that yellow cloth and covered it. Then he placed that yellow cloth in a bag and handover to Raja.
Then he told to Gomathi that her family vow is fulfilled. So no problems to her husband.
At that time Kala went out and rang Banu told that the plan is finished. Banu now ranged Gomathi and said that her husband returns
back to his consicious. Gomathi was happy. She told to everyone with her. Balu, Kala, Raja, Kumar acted that very happy in this
matter. Then Gomathi again called Suganthi and Kalyani to take bath and get ready to the hospital along with him. Balu told Gomathi
that he will visit after Kesavan is discharged from hospital and then he collect his payment. Gomathi thanked him for his pooja’s. But
she did not know that the plan of Balu to trap them for headshave. Gomathi also thanked Kala for that. She paid Kumar for his
Balu, Kumar, Raja and Kala all were returned to Balu’s Shop. Then they opened the bag containing hairs. They amazed to see that
long hairs. They make wigs on that and hand over to that actress. She was very happy on that. She handed so much of money for
that. All were happy. Kala and Raja vacated the house next week of that incident saying that her husband got a promotion and the
company handed over a guest house for them. They returned to their original house. Kesavan discharged from hospital and he is very
happy and proud for his daughters to fulfill the vow

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