
Friday 29 July 2016

double damaka (two beauties )-1

.Iam from a big city.Iam working in afamous company with decent salary.While RANI is 20 years old.She is veryvery.........................................innocent &believes everything.She always irritates me with her nonsensequestions.RANI believes in super natural things and all nonsense.She is wheatish in colour with bigbuttocks and b**bs having about 5'5.Her hair is upto her butts .Iam white in color &looks beautiful.Myheight is 5'5 and has perfect structure(I go 2 gym ).My hair is of arm length.Iam waiting from so manydays to teach RANI a lesson because of her strange behaviour with me and she is also waiting to takerevenge on me for my behaviour towards her.We actually live in apartments.I live in 6th floor.In my floor there are two houses&in between themthere is elevator.I can see RANI from my balcony when she enter our apartments.The day has come to teach RANI a lesson.My parents went out of city and my neighbours are not intheir home.Its summer vacation. So our floor is empty.Rani is our maid.I woke up early in the morning.ButIam feeling so sleepy that day.That day my thoughts are so disturbed because noone are in my home &Iamalone. I saw RANI entering into my apartment.I thought it was best time to teach her lesson.Iam also indisturbed thoughts.I donno what Iam doing.I removed my dress except panties and bra and pretended tosleep on my bed because I know RANI will surely be coming to my house because she only has my house2nd key with her.I heard door lock opening and it is locked from inside.My bedroom has AC so I closed mydoor&Iam sure she will come to my bedroom and wake me up.What I predicted was true.When I slowlyopened my eyes to see whether its RANI or not it was RANI.

I again closed my eyes again &pretended tosleep again.Iam sure that she saw me with bra and panty.After sometime I felt somebody kept hand in myback of panty and pressed my butts&suddenly removed .She began to wake me up.But I didn't wake&pretended to sleep.She then touched my b**bs&removed hand suddenly.By feeling that pleasuresomething has happened to me also.By that feel I forgot al my senses &thought to become SLAVE of RANIthat oneday.Then I got an IDEA.I just called to my landline from mobile and the phone started ringing.Iamsure that RANI will surely lift the phone.RANI lifted the phone.Then I changed my voice and spoke to RANIthat "Is that RANI??"She then replied"YES IAM RANI BUT WHO R U??WHY DID U CALL HERE??MAM ISNOT THERE?"Then I said"WE WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU ONLY.IAM PRIYA FRIEND.DUE TO HER BEHAVIOURI WAS HURTED.I WANT TO TEACH HER A LESSON.ACTUALLY IT WAS PRIYA WHO TOLD ME THAT U ONLYWILL BE AT HOME THIS TIME??"Then RANI replied"WHY DID PRIYA HURT YOU??"Then I replied"ITS NONEOF UR MATTER.JUST ANSWER ME ONE QUESTION :DO U WANT PRIYA TO BE SLAVE OF YOU TODAYONEDAY .THERE WILL BE NO PROBLEM FOR U.SHE WILL EVEN DIE FOR YOU TODAY ONEDAY.NOBODY NOTHIS EXCEPT U AND ME EVEN PRIYA.HER SOUL WILL BE SLEEPING TODAY WHOLE DAY.U CAN DOWHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO WITH HER.SHE WONT REMEMBER ANYTHING.DO U WANT THIS TOHAPPEN??ONCE AGAIN IAM TELLING YOU U DONT HAVE ANY PROBLEM."Hesitatingly RANI said"YES.BUTWAHT SHOULD I DO??"I replied "OK.CHANT THIS MANTRA TOLD TO ME BYTANTRIK"*******************"CHANT THIS INFRONT OF HER AND MAKE HER NUDE.THEN KISS HER ONHER BUTTS.THEN SHE WILL BE UR SLAVE.IF U WANT HER BACK TO BE PRIYA UNDRESS HER &CHANTTHAT MANTRA& KISS HER ON LIPS SHE WILL BE BACK.(I know what I told her but Iam unable to resistmy temptation that day.)I WILL CALL YOU BACK AT THIS NUMBER AT 1:00PM &TELL U ANOTHER THINGWHICH U WILL GET JACKPOT."Then RANI replied"************ IS THE MANTRA NO.I WILL DO ANYTHINGTO MAKE PRIYA MY SLAVE &TAKE REVENGE ON HER.BY THE WAY WHAT IS JACKPOT???????"I replied"IWILL TELL U AFTERNOON 1:00PM.BE NEAR PHONE AT 1:00PM"and I hanged the call.Iam thrilled so muchnow&waiting for RANI to come to my room.I suddenly heard my door opened&I pretended to sleepagain.The room was silent for few seconds.Then I heard the chant of word told by me to RANI.Afterchanting that mantra she started to make me nude.Firstly she removed my panty &then bra.Separated mytwo butts &kissed there.When she was kissing her long hair was on my butts &I felt tickled .Rani stoodback.Suddenly I opened my eyes &bent infront of her legs.The first question she asked me was"WHO RU????"I then replied "IAM UR SLAVE"".She then asked me"R U GOING TO DIE FR ME??""Then I replied"YES"&bent my head infront of her.She asked me to unknot her hair &make her nude.I almostgot something but controled.Slowly I started to unknot her hair.It was so long &thick that I wanted toshave her hair nudely.I started to undress her sari slowly.She then had only panty and bra.

I started to remove her saree.I was also nude.The time is 12:00 pm.I removed her sareecompletely.She was wearing inners.She ordered me to remove them also.I removed them.Slowly she alsobecame nude.She then ordered me to come to bedroom.I went with her. She ordered me 2 massage herwhole body.I started to massage her legs and hands.After sometime she ordered me to massage her buttsand b**bs.I done so.While massaging her butts and b**bs she moaned and hugged me tightly.WE HUGGEDEACH OTHER BY BEING NUDE.After one hour she left the bedroom and went to front room for phone callagain.After RANI left my room I dailed her again.She picked the phone.I said "HOW IS UR SLAVE???DID UENJOY???"She in happy mood said"YES.BUT U SAID JACKPOT NO.WHAT IS IT????"I replied"YA BUT USHOULD AGREE FOR ONE CONDITION TO GET THE JACKPOT OF RS.25000."She then said"25000!!!!!!!!!IT ISALMOST EQUAL TO MY9 MONTHES SALARY.IAM READY TO DO ANYTHING EXCEPT THE THINGS WHICHPAIN ME."I replied"NOTHING WILL PAIN YOU OK.I ASSURE U.R U READY???"She then replied"YES."I saidher"U SHOULD SHAVE UR HEAD."She then replied"WHAT??ME SHAVING HEAD.I EVEN DIDN'T CUT MYHAIR SINCE 10YEARS."I replied"OK THINK.HAIR MAY GROW IN 9MONTHES.BUT U DONT GET SUCH AJACKPOT ANYTIME.DECIDE URSELF BETWEEN HAIR OR MONEY."I WILL CALL U WITHIN 2 MINUTES". I hanged the phone and called back after 2minutes.She lifted thephone and said that"IAM READY TO SHAVE MY HEAD BUT WHO WILL SHAVE MY HEAD??"I replied"PRIYA.BUT DONT WORRY SHE IS UR SLAVE &SHE CAN DO ANYTHING FOR U."She said"OK.WHENSHOULD I SHAVE MY HEAD AND HHOW SHOULD I DO IT?"I said her"OK.TAKE 1000 RS FROM PRIYAPILLOW.THEN GO TO SHOP &BRING USTRA(STRAIGHT RAZOR),BLADES,SHAMPOO BOTTLE &BEGIN URHEADSHAVE AT 3:00 CLOCK.SHAVE UR BODY FULL AND GO RIGHT NOW TO BRING THINGS."I hangedcall.She then opened my bedroom door and took money from my pillow and went away by locking fromoutside.After she went away I took 25000 from atm nearby my apartment&kept that money on a secretplace on my terace and came back to the room again.I removed my clothes again before she arrived.Iwaited for RANI for morethan 1/2an hour.At last I saw RANI from my balcony.I ran into my bedroom andclosed my door.After few minutes I heard my door lock open.She then entered into my room with acover.She ordered me to remove her clothes fully.I did so.She went into bathroom with a towel brought byher from home.She then closed the door.Then I saw her cover.It has a USTRA,BLADES&SHAMPOO.Iam surethat I will shave her head.So before shaving her head I saw a youtube video of head shave while she isbathing.After bathing she ordered me to come into bathroom with the cover brought by her.

To be continued

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