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Friday 22 April 2016

How I Got My Hair to Grow 7 Inches in a Year?

I have compiled some natural hair growth tips that really helped my hair grow faster than normal and also stay healthy. I have since given the same advice to a few of my friends and they have received similar results.
1. Drink A LOT of water every day

How much is a lot? When I was trying to grow out my hair, I was drinking about 4-5 water bottles every day. Not only could I really notice a difference in the new hair that was growing out, but I also my saw that my skin complexion appeared a lot more vibrant than before. I began doing this because my hair stylist told me that 3 or 4 of her clients noticed their hair grow much faster after a couple months from just staying hydrated all day.

2. Do not comb/brush your hair when it is wet (but if you must, use a wide-tooth comb)
By combing your hair right when you get out of the shower you will more than likely be causing breakage to your hair. This is because wet hair is more susceptible to getting tangled and caught on the comb or brush. One way that I minimize that tangling is I use a wide-tooth comb right when I get out of the shower. It is very similar to using your fingers to comb through your hair because it causes very little breakage and pulling of the hair.

3. Avoid using any hot tools on your hair (curlers, straighteners, crimpers)

When I stopped applying any additional heat to my hair, I could completely notice a difference in the look and feel of my hair. It just felt healthier and I can’t help but think this had something to do with why my hair had such slow growth before.
4. Stay away from harsh hair products (hair sprays, gels, etc.)
The hair products that we buy to enhance the look of our hair do much more bad that good for us. When I was trying to grow out my hair I did my best to limit how much ‘bad stuff’ I would put in my hair. I would only use hair spray about once every couple weeks and never used anything that my hair that even resembled a chemical. 
5. Take a Folic Acid Supplement Daily (800 mcg)

I would say that this probably had the largest effect on my hair growth of all the things I did. I have taken daily supplements like biotin in the past to try and grow my hair, but it never seemed to have the same effect. I really think you’ll see results with your hair growth if you haven’t tried this supplement yet.
To ensure that the entire supplement was fully ingested, I broke the pill in half, and I took half in the morning and half right before bed. This is to make sure that the nutrient is taken in slowly and you do not urinate the excess had you taken in one whole pill.

Comment below and let me know if you have had any recent success with any of these natural hair growth tips.

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