
Tuesday 2 February 2016

Swetha going bald

Swetha is a good looking girl who is staying in her aunt’s house. On one fine day, there was no one in their house and she was back from college in the afternoon. She unlocked the door and had her lunch. She was watching TV and getting relaxed herself. After some time, she heard a knock on the door and Swetha saw Vijaya aunty (who stays beside their house).
Vijaya – Hey Swetha, Is your aunt not at home?
Swetha – No Aunt. Please come inside and have a seat. Any urgent work?
Vijaya – Nothing urgent or important Swetha. Actually, my hair started to fall after I gave birth to the child. So I am going to call the barber in the barbershop to my house to give a nice and smooth gundu. Can you please join me as I’m lil bit feared to go alone there?
Swetha understood her problem and wanted to accompany her to the barbershop to call him.
Swetha – Yeah sure Aunt.
By saying so Swetha went inside and got ready. They both went onto the road and they saw a barbershop. Vijaya took the number that was written on the board and called the barber. She gave him the address and asked him to come for a home service and they left to their house. By the time they reached, a person was closing the gate and he stopped after looking them. (He’s the barber)
Barber – Madam, No one in this house?
Vijaya – May I know who are you? I’m the one who is staying here.
Barber – Are you the one who called to the shop and asked about the shaving?
Vijaya – yeah. I’m the one who called you.
Barber – I’m the one who came from the shop to do a nice and smooth shave(Gundu).
Vijaya – Oh Is it? Please come inside. She called her Mother-in-Law and said that the barber is here for the shaving.
Her mother-in-law came outside and looked at the barber.
MIL – Hello Mister, Are you good at shaving? Take as much time as you want but the head should be shaved smooth without any nicks and cuts.
Barber – Yeah sure madam. You’ll only say how smooth the head will be and how I did my job?
Mother-in-Law gave a smile to his reply and asked her daughter-in-law to come with an old saree. Meanwhile, barber is making all the necessary arrangements by taking Cloth, Scissors, Ustra, Blades, Shaving brush and shaving cream from his Kit. He got a bucket of water with a small mug in it. By the time he was ready, Vijaya came with an old saree.
Barber – Madam, Please come and sit here.
Vijaya sat infront of the barber and asked the barber to start.
Barber said “Ok” and took the cloth and tied around her neck and put her braid from the cloth. He started to pour water on her head and made her hair completely wet. Water was dripping from the top of Vijaya’s hair and started rolling on to the cloth that is tied around her neck. Swetha was surprised to see Vijaya Aunt like that. She was staring at the Vijaya and observing very keenly at the barber’s moments.
Vijaya – Hey mister, If i bend my head the cloth will be wet with water. So, I’ll sit on the chair by putting my head backwards.
Barber – Perfect madam. Thanks for that. Yeah sure. Please sit on the chair comfortably.
MIL- Hey Swetha, please give the chair to Aunt and come n sit beside me on the sofa.
Swetha gave the chair to Vijaya and sat on the sofa beside MIL. Barber came to the back of chair and slowly started the shaving on Vijaya’s head. Swetha can hear the “srikkkkkk srikkkkkk srikkkkk” sound and she was so suprised for that sound. In 2 mins, the back was completely shaved by the barber and he needs some water to make the hair wet.
Barber – Madam, can you please gimme some water?
Swetha immediately got up from her place  and handed over the mug of water to the barber. She was shocked to see the bald scalp of Vijaya where no hair is there. Slowly she touched her head and coldness passed through her spine. She touched both the bare scalp and the scalp that is covered with hair. She felt so differently after touching them. Barber slowly started the other half. Within 7 mins, Vijaya is completely bald and all the black hairs that are covering her head was lying on the floor.
Vijaya asked the barber to stop for a min and she went inside to check her bald head in the mirror. Swetha went inside along with her and rubbed on her bald head Swetha was enjoying this. Meanwhile the barber was getting ready for the re-shave with the shaving brush. After watching all this, Swetha was willing to shave off her hair now itself.
Swetha immediately wanted to share her feelings with Vijaya Aunt who was busy in looking her newly shaved head.
Swetha – Aunty, I also want to shave my head smooth like you. Can you please convince my mom and aunt for that?
Vijaya – Really. Then why don’t you shave off your head now itself as barber is already here. Shall you do now?
Swetha – Now?? No one is at home. It’s better to inform my mom and aunt before shaving of my head.
Vijaya’s MIL was hearing to the conversation and asked Swetha about shaving of head.
MIL – Swetha, Do you want to shave your head baby?
Swetha – Yes granny.
MIL – Get your phone Swetha. I will call to your mom and convince her about the shaving of your head.
MIL took the mobile and made a call to Swetha’s mother. The mobile was ringing and Swetha’s mom attended the call.
S Mom – Hello, how are you sweety?
MIL – Hello, I’m Vijaya’s MIL. Swetha is with us at our home.
S Mom- Hello Aunt, how are you? How is Vijaya?
MIL – Yeah am good, thank you.
S Mom – Is Swetha Ok or any problem there?
MIL – Nothing to worry about. Actually I called to ask something.
S Mom – Oh really. Please go ahead Aunt. What’s the matter?
MIL – My daughter-in-law Vijaya is having serious hairfall problem. We tried many things but no use. So we called barber to home and getting her head shaved smoothly. Swetha is also suffering from severe dandruff and having a very bad itching sensation. So she also want to get rid of that long tressess. So just to inform you and want to check whether she can get her hair shaved or not?
S Mom – Oh is it? If she is suffering really, then please go ahead and shave her head. I am not with her right, that’s why I can’t take care of her. Can you please hand over the call to her?
MIL informed Swetha that Mom is Ok with her headshave and gave the mobile to her.
Swetha – Hi Mom. Miss you so much.
S Mom – I too miss you sweety. So would you like to make urself completely bald darling?
Swetha – Yeah Mom. I can’t bear this itching sensation. I want to get rid of this as soon as possible. I couldn’t sleep properly too.
S Mom – Oh my god! you should have informed me earlier only baby. We could have taken some remedy or we could have shaved your head before itself.
Swetha – I thought I can manage that Mom. But I am unable to. Today, after watching Vijaya Aunt’s shave I thought “this is the best remedy for my probem too and got the courage to go for it”. Immediately I informed the same to Vijaya Aunt and Granny. I am hesitating to inform you but granny said she will talk with you.
S Mom – Oh you should have informed me darling. You first get rid of that hairs from your head. My daughter happiness is more important that her hair. Anyways it will grow back.
Swetha – Thank you so much mom. Love you.
S Mom – Love you too baby. Just give the call to Granny once.
Swetha is very happy as her mom agreed for her headshave and with a bright face she gave the mobile to Vijaya’s MIL.
S Mom – Aunt, please take care of Swetha. Make her head bald without any nicks and cuts. Between where are you going to get her headshaved?
MIL – Hey I’ll take care of her dandruff. You don’t worry. Barber came to our house and arranged in the hall only. So no need to worry about that.
S Mom – Thank you Aunt.
MIL – Between, please inform to the Swetha’s aunt about her headshave.
S Mom – Ok Aunt. I’ll call her and inform about Swetha’s balding. Bye Aunt.
MIL – Ok. Bye.
MIL disconnected the call and looked at Swetha. Swetha is so happy about her mom’s decision about her sudden shave.
MIL – Swetha, Are you happy and Are you ready for the big change?
Swetha – Yes granny! I’m ready and thank you so much for convincing my mom. Without you, she may not agree if I say her.
MIL – No problem. Hey Vijaya, Is it done (looking her bald head in the mirror)? Come and get your head smooth.
Vijaya – (With a cute smile) Yeah I’m coming Aunt. (Slowly rubbing on her head) I want this to be smooth.
Vijaya came and sat on the chair by adjusting her old saree. Barber is listening to their conversation and came to know that she got another customer who will loose her hair to this Ustra. Meanwhile barber arranged the shaving brush and cream and also changed the blade in the Ustra for making Vijaya head smooth. Barber is applying shaving cream on the Vijaya head to shave her smooth.
Barber – Madam, Can I suggest something?
MIL – Yeah sure, please go ahead.
Barber – Madam, as it will take some time for the shaving cream to get dry. I will start the headshave of Swetha and once it is completed then I’ll go with Vijaya’s headshave.
MIL – Hmm. (thought for a while) It’s a good idea. Carry on with ur pla.
Barber applied shaving cream with the help of shaving brush on Vijaya’s head and asked her to get down from the chair. Vijaya got up and invited Swetha onto the place where she sat.
Barber – Hey Swetha, Can you please take your place?
Swetha bent her head and with a shy face, she sat on the chair.  Coming to Swetha’s hair, she is having jet black thick hair reaching to her mid back. She wears it in a nice braid at times, in a nice pony tail in the night times and she wears it loose like a waterfall on her back when she goes to a temple. Swetha remove her dupatta and gave it to MIL and sat on the chair by adjusting her braid (today she wears in a braid). Barber caped her and asked her how can shave you madam?
Swetha got surprised by the question as she is thinking that she doesn’t have any choice. But after listening to her question, she thought for a while and replied as ‘ Which one will be better mister?”
Barber – It’s upto you madam. I can do as you like.
Swetha paused for a moment and about to say something meanwhile MIL interfered and replied ” Please shave her head directly with the ustra only. Don’t unbraid her. Jus shave it with the braid”.
Barber is waiting for the confirmation from Swetha and Swetha agreed for her decision.
Swetha – Wow that’s a brilliant idea Granny. We will do it the way you suggested.
Barber – Ok sure madam. I’m ok with anything. This suggestion makes my life easy.
Barber took the mug of water and slowly poured on Swetha’s head. Slowly her hair is getting wet and water is rolling down. Small drops of water rolled down from her forehead onto the cheek and slowly landed on the cape. The cape is getting wet with the pouring of water. He changed the blade in the Ustra. Swetha is observing each and every moment of the barber and she was excited for the touch of Ustra on her head. She want to feel that sensation. But she is tensed too at the same time. How she looks in the bald look.
As swetha is wearing her hair in a center partition, the barber came to her left and placed the ustra in the center partition of the forehead and made a small pass. Swetha heard the sound of the first scrape on her forehead “schrkkkkkkk”.
Slowly he is shaving along the center partition line and he is making a bald path to make the big passes from there. He made that small paths till the center of her head and again came back to the area where he started shaving first. He started scraping on her head with the ustra and the hairs are getting released from the top of the head and gathering at the base of the hairs (that are going to be shaved). Sound is slowly getting increased and Swetha is enjoying each and every pass.
Schrkkkkkkk schrkkkkkkkk schrkkkkkkkkk schrkkkkkkkkkk
Schrkkkkkkk schrkkkkkkkk schrkkkkkkkkk schrkkkkkkkkkk
Schrkkkkkkk schrkkkkkkkk schrkkkkkkkkk schrkkkkkkkkkk
Within a min, left side of her head is shaved and all the hairs that are on her head is hanging on her shoulder. He came to the right side and after sometime her right side hair is also shaved. She is half bald and all her hairs are hanging on the backside on the top of the braid.
MIL – Hey, can you stop this headshave for a sec. Vijaya’s head is already dry. It’s better to complete her shave and then carry on with Swetha. Swetha baby, please give the chair to Vijaya Aunt.
Swetha – (with a sad face) Ok granny. But how can I stay with this half shaved head.
Barber thought for a while and gave the scissors to MIL and asked her to cut off the remaining hair. Meanwhile he will smoothen the Vijaya’s creamy head. Swetha felt happy for that and got up from the chair and offered to Vijaya. Barber started to shave the creamy bald head with the same ustra (he didn’t change the blade). Within mins Vijaya’s head is shaved very smooth and it’s shining. By the time barber completes, Granny is slowly making crunching sound with the scissors on Swetha’s head.
MIL is slowly cutting off the hair from the roots of her head and slowly the weight on her backside is getting increased as her hair is gathering at the base of the braid. MIL is cutting in a very nice manner. Barber completed the shave and asked Swetha to sit in the chair.
Swetha – Granny, please stop.
She saw herself in the mirror and was surprised to see the half shaved with half cutted reflection. Immediately she want to see herself completely bald, so she sat on the chair.
The barber again started shaving the remaining hair and just in a matter of no time the braid has fallen to the ground by making a thump sound. Swetha can feel the lightness on her head without hair. She touched her shaved head and felt so different.
MIL – Please reshave her head with the shaving cream.
Barber – Without that, how can I say the headshave is completed? I’m going to do it madam. Just gimme 5 mins and you can see a smooth bald Swetha.
With in 5 mins he completely shaved Swetha very smooth and says “It’s done madam”.
Swetha got up from the chair. MIL paid to the barber and make him go. Once the barber, Vijaya Aunt n Swetha was so happy about their bald n smooth heads.
Vijaya – Are you happy Swetha? Is this what you want?
Swetha – Thank you so much aunt and Granny. This is so amazing and I really loved it. I don’t know what to say. She picked her braid and kissed it.
MIL – You both are looking so beautiful. Go and take ur bath.
Vijaya went inside to have her bath. Swetha kept her braid in her duppatta and left to her house.

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